Fatherheart Ministries ‘A’ Schools - "Experiencing The Father's Love"
'A' Schools are a one week environment of the revelation of love. They are a place to come home, a place to find that you belong, a place where you are accepted, a place to find that His strength is truly perfected in your weakness, a place of rest.
During the school you will be introduced to the full perspective of the revelation of Father's love. Through revelatory insight and sound Biblical teaching expressed through the lives of those that minister, you will be exposed to a transforming message of Love, Life and Hope. You will be given the opportunity to remove the main blockages to receiving Father's love and discover your heart as His true son or daughter.
Jesus had the heart of a son to his Father. He lived continually in His Father's presence. John's Gospel unfolds for us everything that He said and did was what He heard and saw His Father saying and doing. Jesus invites us to enter His world as His brothers and sisters. As we open our hearts Father pours His love and His very self in by the Holy Spirit. In a heart transformed by His love, true and lasting change occurs. After years of striving and performance many are finally finding a place of rest.
When James and Denise Jordan first pioneered these schools, they found this format to be the most suitable. The basis of receiving this revelation is through the heart, and time is needed for God to remove the blockages that are keeping us from continuously experiencing His fathering towards us.
The Two Goals of 'A' Schools are:
1. To give an opportunity to you to have a personal major experience of the love that God the Father has for you.
2. To give the strongest Biblical understanding possible of the place of the Father in the Christian life and walk.
During the schools many lifetime friendships are formed. All schools will be led by appointed Fatherheart Ministries Team Leaders. All sessions which run from morning to evening and must be attended. Topics include:
- Opening our hearts to Father
- The Biblical Revelation of God the Father
- Heart Forgiveness
- The Heart of Sonship
- The Orphan Spirit
- The Motherheart of Father God
- God our Real Father
- Weakness the Power of Sonship
- The Glorious Freedom of Sons
- And more...
You were made for the environment of His love for you